Friday, September 18, 2009

Question: What are the consequences of buying a Porsche 911?

Claim: Buying a Porsche 911 will allow you to fulfill your childhood dreams.
Reason: Buying a Porsche 911 is the purist expression of who you are.
Implicit Assumption: Whatever purely expresses who you are will also allow you to fulfill your childhood dreams.

Target Audience
This commercial seems to be targeting upper-class middle-age male drivers. Even though the character depicted is a little boy, little boys don't have the money to buy a porsche. Sure maybe someday down the road, but by then they probably would have forgotten all about this commercial. So the target audience must be someone who can buy this product now. Even more specifically, this commercial is targeting those who dreamed of owning a porsche as a child. I say male drivers, because the main character is a boy and because logistically more men than women are drawn to expensive luxury cars, especially in the median of their life. This commercial does not use slang or crass words, rather the language is refined. Thus it is likely targeting an educated upper-class.

The goal of this commercial is to convince the target audience to buy a Porsche 911.

During the commercial, dramatic music plays creating a sense of nostalgia. There are also many illusions to childhood. There's the classic classroom scene with the bored little boy daydreaming and staring out the window. The bell rings and he rides off on his red bike. It's all very stereotypical and it was made that way so others could relate to it. Most of the commercial was on a more serious note, trying to emphasize the longing and the passion for a childhood dream, but there was a little humor in the boy's comment when he took the business card, turned to the salesman and said matter of factly "I'll see in you about 20 years."

This commercial is effective, in that it accomplishes its purpose. It is convincing to its audience, appealing to them in multiple fashions. The authority (ethos) is shown at the Porsche dealership. Everything from the sound of compressed air as the front door opens to the time when the boy leaves expresses a professional air and quality service. The salesman, an authoratative figure, treats the boy with respect and class. He even allows him to sit in the new 911 with no adult supervision. The prominent emotion (pathos) is clearly nostalgia. The commercial brings the audience back to a time when they rode their bike to school and couldn't afford a Porsche.

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